

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder makineler/yn-08-ps-b is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

YN-08-PS-B Potato Harvesting Machine

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder makineler/yn-08-ps-b is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

Potato Harvesting Machine

Our machine takes the potatoes together with the soil, ( the Potatoes were planted as double lines) then iteliminates the soil and the machine drops the potatoes on to the soil at the back of it.The machine does notchange shape pf the potatoes and it does not harm and damage the potatoes.The machine tie to tractor by 3 hangers. Machine takes its power and move from the tail of tractor mechanically.It is a powerfull machine since it transmits dispower from shift to elevator. The number of bars and the width between bars can be adapted inaccordancesoil structure. Machine can be use challenging various of soil conditions, at the rocky, stony fields and the warm, rainy weathers. It is especially prefered by large scale agricultural companies.

Technical Specifications

  • Lenght : 330 cm
  • Width : 180 cm
  • Height : 125 cm
  • Weight : 1150 kg
  • Inner Barrel Width : 140 cm
  • Work Depth : Adjustable
  • Number of Digger Blades : 3
  • Lenght of Elevator : 155 cm
  • Gradient of Elevator : Adjustable
  • Circuit of Tail Mill : 540 d/d
  • Speed of Tractor : 4-6 km/h
  • Efficiency : 1-5 decar/h
  • Need of Power : Min 65-75 hp
  • Number of Elevator Bars : 72
  • Space Between Elevator Bars : 26-30-38 mm

Kenan ERTUĞRUL Tarım Makineleri İmalat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi
E-posta: info@ertugrultarim.com
Tel: (+90) 384 242 91 75 - 76
Fax: (+90) 384 242 91 77